Sunday, January 15, 2006

Stories To Tell

We have so many stories to tell about our trip up here. We did pretty good getting out of Anchorage. We had to buy a car, get insurance, get it registered, buy Burt a coat, and attend a temple session. I just couldn't leave Anchorage without going to the temple. It is the smallest temple we have seen and it was a thrill to be there. I kept looking around I fully expected to look up and see Dianne Graham there.

Then we were on our way to Wasilla. We stayed at Elder and Sister Agard's place for two nights to be trained in the Gift of Family History. They have been doing it for three months with such wonderful success. One of the things we did while there was make a packet like we give the people we work with, the less active, new members, or perspective member. We are so excited, don't tell any one, but we plan to make one for each of the grand kids.

We had an appointment to get the car winterized in Fairbanks and then found out Thursday night that the temperature in Fairbanks was -42 degrees. We were worried that we wouldn't even make it there. So we called around and no one could do it in Wasilla for two weeks so we threw things in our bags and took off with out a moment to spare. EXCEPT that the drive up was so beautiful Burt had to stop and take a picture every corner we went around. I finally had to hide his camera.

Well we arrived and our story about where we stayed is for another day. We got in Friday night, went to North Pole for a baptism and ended up with an appointment to teach a part member family next week and a chance to talk in a combined Priesthood/Relief Society the next week. I also found two people interested in the Gift of Family History on the plane to Anchorage.
We talked for the whole three hours. Not bad for one day in Fairbanks.

Naomi, I am finding that I can find people to teach (she told me I would be able to find people)
We spent Saturday afternoon looking for apartments and decided that we would have to spend $1,000 for an apartment. It just made us sick and wondering if we could even last our mission at that price. We went to the Fairbanks 2nd ward this morning and the Relief Society President offered to let us live in her basement for only $600. I cannot tell you how that was an answer to prayer, It is so perfect for us and a beautiful new place. I think we just had to look yesterday to know what a blessing it is when we found it.

We are at the library between church meetings to write to you all because everything is closed tomorrow and we wanted you to know that we haven't frozen yet!! Last night was only -23. Funny, funny thing is that at Anchorage and here we have had to sleep with a window cracked open because it is too hot for us to sleep. At -23 degrees that is hard to believe isn't it.
We love you all and once we get settled will be more regular in emailing you. I don't think we have been so bad except that it seems like we have been gone two months rather than two weeks. Our new address will be 1009 10th Ave but we will be getting a box # as soon as the post offices opens on Tuesday morning so don't send us anything yet. We don't want to get our mail mixed up with our wonderful landlord's.

We love you all so very much, Hug all our beautiful grandkids for us, They will be getting a card from us from the North Pole soon.


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