Monday, January 30, 2006

Beautiful Solitude

First item is about the weather. Of course. The low this week was -51.
That occurred during the night so we haven't experienced colder than -48.

We are dressed warm enough but when I ran into Safeway one day with a cap to just above my ears my earrings froze my ears. It was so funny when I realized why my ears hurt. Now that is cold because it didn't take more than a minute to get into the store. We went out and took a picture under the sign at Gottschalks that said -40 only to have it go to -51 the very next day. Oh, well! Alaska is having a cold wave, colder than it has been in 107 years.
Funny but when we first came I said to Burt, "I bet it is the COLDEST it has ever been this winter!

You know how that goes. I swear every year is "the coldest", "the hottest", the "driest" what ever it has ever been. Sure enough the paper said a couple of days ago that we had a record. When we woke up Sunday morning and it was -31, Burt hollered in, "my word it has warmed up today!" Then we know we are either sick or in Alaska. The rule is everyone calls the weather number and if it is below -30 we only have sacrament and Priesthood/Relief Society, if it is -40 or below, we only have Sacrament and if it is -50 church is cancelled. During the week anything below -30 they don't have any youth programs.

We are loving it here in Fairbanks. Because it is so dry we don't suffer from the cold. We live at a members home and they let us park our car in the garage and then we either plug in the car or remote start it 10 minutes before we leave so we just don't notice the cold. We did however go for a 1 block walk the other day at -45 and you know it was cold on the face but that was all. We haven't gotten our selves a face mask yet because we just aren't' out that much.

We have lessons every night this week and three during the day. We are having more meetings than we have time to finish the "Gift of Family History" packets. But we know we will do them faster as we gain experience.

We are working mostly with new members and less-actives with the GIFT program and people are loving it. It is such a positive thing for us because we are just talking to people about families and everyone loves their family. We are teaching one family, The Pinkston's in North Pole. They are the ones with the fire. He wants to believe it but struggles with the authority problem. I don't mean Joseph Smith I mean - well let me explain.

He was terribly abused as a child, left home and joined the airforce and found that it was very controlling. He just can't wait to have his 20 years over in 15 more months. He really wants the LDS church in his life but looks at the structure and sees all the elders in white suits and ties (there are some of you who can relate to that) and he doesn't like it. He relates to Burt because Burt hates his suit and wishes for levi's and sweats. He is praying and reading the Book of Mormon and is doing great there. He came to Sacrament meeting on Sunday and said he didn't feel the spirit. He is used to his saved church where they jump up and down and are very noisy. We know he will soon appreciate the peace in our church, have you ever known sacrament meeting to be very peaceful and quiet. Oh, well.

He is coming along and it is very rewarding to us. It is very good for Burt because he DOES NOT like the teaching part of this mission but Br. Pinkston won't let the young elders come teach him. He likes us because his grandparents were the only kind and loving thing about his growing up so he thinks we just might be kind and loving. Don't anyone tell him other wise. They were born in 1966 and 1969 so you can see they are our kids to us and it is okay if they look at us as greyed hair, kind, and loving.

We are happy, experiencing the cold (notice I didn't say loving the cold), and learning to live with each other 24 7's. Our testimony is growing every day. Gosh we love these young Jr. Missionaries. It is astounding to see them teach!. They are just awesome! These Alaska's members are a different breed and most of you would fit in very well with them. We have eaten dinner at some members homes that are so far out in the woods away from any one or thing else, it is truly a "Never Never land".. It is just unbelievable how beautiful the solitude is here! .


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