Monday, February 13, 2006

Valentines Day

You kids can get into all the cute Valentines hearts and kisses stuff that would make this note look so good. We don't have any so if you could send us some. I just wrote that part and remembered that Caroline sent a note so I copied her little red heart. Isn't it cute. What a surprise now, I can type red so I will say HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL OUR LITTLE FROGGERS!

Saturday we went up town and watched the dog sled races. We were right down on the frozen Chena River. There were 22 teams and each team had 14 dogs pulling their sleds. They dogs were so fun to watch because they LOVED it and were so excited to run they just kept jumping up and down and barking so loudly. These dogs are all tied up to the sled and each other but one dog was so excited he kept ducking under his reins to the next dog and finally got frustrated and just jumped straight up in the air over the other dog and back again. We laughed and grandpa got a couple of great pictures before the handlers came over and held on to him so he couldn't do that any more.

Another team #17 were so excited that the driver got off his sleigh and knelt down right in front of his dogs and talked to them. They calmed down a little and then he got back into the sled and they took off. The teams are going to be running for 1000 miles to White Horse, Yukon. Look on a map so you can see how far it is. They will run most of the way on the big Yukon River but sometimes will be up in the mountains. Eagle Pass will be especially difficult because the wind blows so hard. The drivers and dogs all sleep on the trail and there will be food drops for them occasionally on the trail. It will take them at least nine days to get there. It is called the Yukon Quest and was a fun thing for us to watch.

News from the Tad Poles, Poly Wogs, toads, (what were the girls called?)
  • Breanna and Caroline get their braces off just about the same time. Send us a picture without your braces, you two.
  • Collin is through playing basket ball and they had a pretty great season.
    We are showing his picture around Fairbanks and they think he is darn cool.
  • Breanna just got through cheering for the wrestling team and they took state. And look out if you are driving in Southern Utah, she has her driving permit. But I hear she is a very careful driver.
  • We found a Hunter street and our clerk at the store this morning was named Breanna and she was so cute and friendly.
  • Sorry, Dylan, we haven't found Dylan mountain yet!
  • Keaton's basket ball team didn't lose any games.
  • Caitlyn's team did very well in a very difficult math competition.
  • Hunter congratulations on the A's and B's. We sure have smart grandkids.
  • Caroline and Hunter think Alaska is way too cold for them. Remember though, if you are such a summer person you will miss all the beautiful and fun things in Fairbanks this time of year. Check out Grandpa's email for some really fun pictures of the dog sled race we saw on Saturday.
  • Caroline reminds us that our missionary grandson and cousin, Jeff, has been on his mission for 10 months. He is doing very well, as is Cousin Dave in California.
  • Two hearts for Dylan! He turns two in Valentines day!

We are loving the missionary work and finding lots of people who want to learn more about their families. One Relief Society wants us to do a program for their Enrichment night and we are excited to do that. We had our first transfer, that is when some of the missionaries go to another part of Alaska to work and we get new ones here to take their place. It was a sad day for us because we love those Elders and Sisters so much. We keep thinking about Jeff and Dave and how much the people in Mexico and California love them.

Love from two Old Froggers (thanks to Caroline for that title) who love you all very much. We miss you so keep those emails, cards, and letters coming our way. Be sure and check for Grandpa's pictures.


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