Tuesday, March 14, 2006

For The Grandkids

I haven't however, gotten any emails or letters from anyone so there won't be any Croaker's Chronicles just a funny story.

When Aunt Dani was a little girl, about 5 years old, and living in Alaska, she had lots of Eskimo playmates. After playing outside one day she came in crying, "I AM Eskimo! I AM Eskimo I have black Hair!" What happened was that her friends told her she wasn't an Eskimo and being like all kids and wanting to fit in, it made her cry. She didn't want to be different from her friends. I had to laugh because her hair was not black but was darker than her mom's or sisters so she considered it black and her eyes were so clear blue that it was funny thinking of her as an Eskimo. I don't know how I calmed her down maybe I told her she was an Alaskan just like Booksie and her other friends.

The funny thing is that Grandpa and Grandma were at some friend's house for dinner last week. They work with us doing family history in the stake. After a wonderful meal and lots of small talk it was time to go. Then Sister Gho said we probably should have a genealogy lesson for our family home evening. She started telling us that we need to get past the "begets", that is what the bible says when it tells people about their genealogy. She said we needed to tell stories about our grandparents. Grandpa jumped in and started telling about a great grandfather and all the fun stuff that he has just found out about him and how important that was to him. Sister Gho looked so surprised, went into the other room and came out with her genealogy book. She opened it up, pointed to her great grandfather, and asked, "Is that your grandfathers name?" What a surprise, Sister Gho, an Eskimo, is Grandpa Robbins cousin a couple of generations back. Their Great Grandfather Charles Jamison had one son who was Grandpa Robbins line and a daughter whose grandson came to Alaska and married an Eskimo. So Dani now you are an Eskimo. You can all tell your friends you are related to the Eskimo's in Alaska.

Isn't it wonderful that Heavenly Father wanted us to come here on our mission. I get home sick at little moments. Saturday, for the first time, we had to wait at a train crossing while a very long train passed by. Of course I thought of our two train Engineer and conductor and wished you were all here to take the train ride to Anchorage. I hope we get to do that before our mission is over. Of course, everyday at the Ice Alaska there are kids playing all over the ice things and I just wished you were here to do that.

Guess what we are even getting to see our friends the birds. Yesterday Grandpa and I took a long hike out to a place called Creamers Fields. There are 1800 acres in that field and it is a bird refuge. It was beautiful in the snow but not many birds. People say we won't be able to believe how wonderful it is in the spring. There are thousands of birds here. We can't wait.
You have had more snow there than we have and the grandkids are building lots of snowmen, I hope. I picked up a handful of snow last night and it is like picking up a handful of sugar. NOTHING sticks together. You don't see any snow men in this town and it seems strange. So build some snowmen and send us a picture, if it hasn't melted already.

I will add a couple of pictures (I hope I haven't sent already) from Ice Alaska that I think you will like. Look really close at the "Rear Ended" and see a moose sitting on a truck. Can you see all the teeth carved in ice on the "Allure" picture?

Love you all,
Grandpa and Grandma Robbins


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